вторник, 15 мая 2018 г.


1. Watch this video to know How offenders are sentenced in England and Wales.

2.Watch this video to know An introduction to the Crown Court, the different roles within it and how a trial at the court works.

3.Watch this video to know what is THE MAGISTRATES' COURT.

Introduction to the Magistrates' Court and the roles of the people within it. To find out more about studying Law and Criminology at Derby visit http://www.derby.ac.uk/law

4. Watch this video to know what is the SUPREME COURT.

What is the Supreme Court? Why was it established in 2009? And what issues does it hear about? This introductory film is primarily aimed at GSCE/Standard Grade students and explores the role and the workings of the Supreme Court, the only court with UK-wide jurisdiction and the highest court in the land.

This video is just one of a range of learning resources on our website designed to aid teaching in the classroom about the law, as well as to complement educational visits to the Court. If you are a teacher or student interested in such a visit, please see the education page on our website for further information.

Task. Write a short summary on the information you have watched and get prepared for your seminar questions.

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Link for semina preparation

Go through the link to get information for seminars on the UK module. http://www.britannica.com