среда, 1 ноября 2017 г.

Questions for Seminars

Темы практических занятий

Основная цель семинарских занятий заключается в самостоятельном изучении истории, географии, политического устройства, образа жизни, традиций и культурного наследия стран изучаемого языка.

Занятие №1. British Monarchy.

1)                 The Plantagenets.

2)                 Lancaster and York.

3)                 Tudor and Stuart England.

4)                 The monarchy. Queen Elizabeth II as head of state. The queen’s role. The royal family.

Занятие №2, 3. The British Political System. Parliament.

1)                 The political system of the UK. The organs of government (the legislature, the executive, the judiciary).

2)                 The British Parliament.

3)                 The Prime Minister and the Cabinet.

4)                 Local government.

5)                 Political parties (the Labour Party, the Conservative Party, the Liberal Democrats).

6)                 The electoral system.

Занятие №4. Population and Religion.

1)                 The people (Britain’s total population, distribution of the population, ethnic composition, the class system).

2)                 The English language. Britain’s other languages (the Welsh language, Irish and Scottish Gaelic).

3)                 Religion and beliefs (the Church of England, the other Christian churches, other religions).

4)                 Festivals and holidays in Britain.

Занятие №5. The System of Justice.

1)                 British Constitution and the system of Common Law.

2)                 Types of Courts.

3)                 The Judicial Personnel.

4)                 The British Police.

Занятие №6. First Settlers and Colonies in North America.

1)                 The New World.

2)                 The first English settlers.

3)                 Colonial America.

4)                 Pilgrims.

Занятие № 7. The War for Independence.

1)                 The American Revolution.

2)                 The Declaration of Independence.

Занятие №8. The Civil War.

1)                 American North and South.

2)                 The Civil War.

3)                 Years of Reconstruction.

Занятие №9. The US Government.

1)                 The US Constitution. The Bill of Rights.

2)             The legislative branch. The Congress (the Senate, the House of Representatives, the functions of the Congress).

3)                 The executive branch. The President. The vice-president. The Cabinet.

4)                 Major political parties (the Republican Party, the Democratic Party).

Занятие №10. The System of Law.

1)                  Federal and state system of courts.

2)                  The Supreme Court of the USA.

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Link for semina preparation

Go through the link to get information for seminars on the UK module. http://www.britannica.com