пятница, 5 февраля 2021 г.

Темы для написания рефератов

Questions on Great Britain

1. Physical Background of the U.K.

2. Historical Background of the British Parliament.

3. Political Set-up in the UK.

4. Political Parties in the UK.

5. Parliament of the UK.

6. Judicial System of the UK.

7. Education in the UK.

8. Places of Interest in London.

9. Customs and Traditions in the UK.

10. Culture and Art in the UK.

Questions on the USA

1. Population in the USA.

2. The Structure of the Government and Election System in the USA.

3. Political Parties and Organizations in the USA.

4. Press, Radio and Television in the USA.

5. Education in the USA.

6. Culture and Art in the USA.

7. Places of Interest in the USA.

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Link for semina preparation

Go through the link to get information for seminars on the UK module. http://www.britannica.com