для самостоятельной работы по дисциплине Лингвострановедение (английский язык)
направление Лингвистика 3 курс АО Бакалавриат
Part 1 – the UK
Задание -
100 баллов
Составить тесты (кол-во – 25).
Каждый вопрос должен быть представлен пятью вариантами.
Образцы тестов:
Выбор одного правильного ответа (1 вопрос - 4 балла)
Выберите правильный ответ
What parts does the United Kingdom consist of? ______
England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland
England, Scotland, Wales
England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland
England, Scotland, Wales, Northern and South Ireland
2) Выбор двух правильных ответов (1 вопрос - 4 балла)
Выберите два правильных варианта
These sights we can visit in the USA________
The Grand Canyon
The National Railway Museum
Windsor Castle
Установить соответствие (1 вопрос - 4 балла)
Образуйте словосочетание, установив
соответствие между словами
3.White House
4.Downing Street
the smaller upper assembly in the US
a group of people gathered together in one place for a
common purpose
the official home in Washington DC of the President of
the United States
the official home of the UK prime minister
4) Расположить в правильной последовательности (1 вопрос - 4 балла)
Расположите пропущенные фрагменты в
правильной последовательности
For the first 15 or 20 years after the Declaration was
written, people didn’t celebrate it much on any date. It was too new and too
much else was happening in the young nation.
One party, the Democratic-Republicans, admired
Jefferson and the Declaration. But the other party, the Federalists, thought
the Declaration was too French and too anti-British, which went against their
current policies.
By 1817, John Adams complained in a letter that
America seemed uninterested in its past. But that would soon change.
Printed copies of the Declaration began to circulate
again, all with the date July 4, 1776, listed at the top. The deaths of Thomas
Jefferson and John Adams on July 4, 1826, may even have helped to promote the
idea of July 4 as an important date to be celebrated.
Almost a hundred years after the Declaration was
written. Congress first declared July 4 to be a national holiday as part of a
bill to officially recognize several holidays, including Christmas.
And now they do keep to this date.
By the 1790s, a time of bitter partisan conflicts, the
Declaration had become controversial.
Celebrations of the Fourth of July became more common
as the years went on and in 1870. Almost a hundred years after the Declaration
was written.
Celebrations of the Fourth of July became more common
as the years went on and in 1870.
Further legislation about national holidays, including July 4, was passed in 1939 and 1941.
5) Заполнить пропуск / Ответить одним словом (1 вопрос - 4 балла)
Заполните пропуск
Once a student finishes secondary education they have
the option to extend into further education to take their _______, GNVQ's,
BTEC's or other such qualifications.
группа (акад)
студента |
Тема для
разработки тестов |
British Monarchy |
The British Political System |
Parliament |
Population and Religion |
The System of Justice |
2 группа (акад)
студента |
Тема для
разработки тестов |
British Monarchy |
The British Political System |
Parliament |
Population and Religion |
The System of Justice |
3 группа (акад)
студента |
Тема для
разработки тестов |
British Monarchy |
The British Political System |
Parliament |
Population and Religion |
The System of Justice |
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